Wirecutter: The School Years

"Don't correct me with your smiley faces, Woman. I meant TITS,"

Lost in translation

Actually "golden gaytime" sounds like a weekend in San Francisco.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Yep, still giggling

As a proud recipient of a Master of Arts degree,
I'm very well aware that, after a few drinks,
it becomes Master of Farts.

Pretty cool gift idea

Now, if it came in black with the middle finger pointing, I'd know what to get wirecutter for Christmas.

Can order them HERE.

Migrant vs Immigrant

Has anyone else noticed the dropping of the term "immigrant" in favor of the term "migrant"? Has anyone wondered why? The term "migrant" was traditionally used to describe people who moved within a country's borders. Migrant workers. Migrant gypsies. The understanding was that they were already in the country, they were just moving around; the implication being that these people were legitimately in the country. Immigrant was traditionally used to describe people who moved from one country to another, across borders. The word immigrant could be prefaced with either "legal" or "illegal" indicating the legitimacy of the person's border crossing. Pretty clear, huh?

So you had migrants, people legitimately in the country who move around. Legal immigrants, people who move from one country to another in accordance with the country's immigration policies. And illegal immigrants, also referred to as illegal aliens, people who move into a country without permission, against the country's immigration laws. These designations have been very useful to us in the past, so why drop them? Why use the more legitimate, benign term "migrant" to cover all? Why muddy the waters? Who made this decision? The media? The governments? When you remove the term "immigrant", you essentially remove borders. If all are merely migrants, then there really are no borders.

We need to get back to plain talk, politically incorrect honesty. Call a spade a spade. Wait, was that racist? Oh well...

If you are in a country without legal permission, you are NOT a migrant. You are an illegal immigrant. Or for short, just plain illegal.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

I wasn't always like this, ya know

I was such a sweet, innocent well-meaning 
soccer mom three years ago...