Bulk AMMO!!!
From WiscoDave:
"While "Fiscal Cliff" may be having its 15-minutes of fame - a la "Honey Boo
Boo" or "Sneezing Panda" - there is one thing that has consistently been more
and more searched in the last eight years. According to Google Trends,
internet users are skipping just plain old simple "ammo" as a search query,
and in a tried and true American tradition, confirm that size matters. The
size of the ammo order that is, as can be confirmed by the following chart
showing queries for "bulk ammo". What goes without saying, are the
wavelike periodicities of the quantized jumps higher in popularity at select
times over the past decade: they just happen to aggregate around a very specific
event taking place each November every 4 years. At this rate by November 2016 we
are going to need a bulkier chart...
I know I'm preaching to the choir again, but damn if this doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Y'all be safe out there.
hehe a few dozen of those searches were from me!