Sunday, December 30, 2012

More Corsette Heaven

I swear, if I EVER find a reason to own something like this....


  1. You need a reason? what ever happened to "just because"?

  2. That is about a $300 corsette. Hubby would freak if I spent $300 on what he consideres "lipstick on a pig".

  3. Being able to fit into that is an excellent reason to own one.

  4. That's another good point, I'm about 40 pounds and two ribs away from fitting. ;-D

  5. Angel, if I was a woman and he said that to me, he'd get a lead breakfast, no if and or buts..........

  6. I agree with Mike. Just read that Angel... he's the fucking pig and should be skewered and burnt to a crisp...

    The corsette is pretty, but you don't need that to be beautiful, you already are.... I'm pretty fond of the fish net myself... ;-)


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.