Monday, December 24, 2012

The Tragedy of Gun-free Zones

Watch her testimony HERE


  1. Common sense should dictate that since nearly every one of the recent mass shootings occurred in "gun free zones", abolish such zones and allow people to defend themselves. Sadly, common sense is in short supply these days.

  2. It is as simple as what they did with shootings on airplanes...
    Just announce there will be plain clothes armed marshals in every schools, malls, theaters, hotels, events, and it will put an end to nuts shooting on malls and schools and events at innocent people, children and families...
    This way any crazy nut hell bent on murdering people will suspect and fear the first adult person they might see as soon as they start shooting could be the one that will do away with them...
    To the cowards fear is the greatest deterrent...

  3. We all know it's not about a dead child or tragedy, its about disarming the American population. I will tell everyone right now, it ain't gonna happen, it might disarm a few liberal assholes, but it's not gonna disarm 1/1000 of the population, ppl will just not talk about it anymore, or practice as much, but it ain't gonna work........


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.