Saturday, May 25, 2013

Exactly so


  1. Oh Angel Its been one of "those" days when every thing I'v done or tried to do has gone to shit. I'm down 400$ and four broken power tools and it's not 6PM yet. HE would make me smile, at the very large smokey pile 'O match sticks.I'll take 05 caps, C4 and gasoline for 10 Alex.---Ray

  2. *Hugs* Ray. Hang in there. I know how you feel. When you decide to blow the thing to hell, let me know. I've got the marshmallows ready for s'mores.

  3. Sounds fun! Will a fireball be involved?

    Btw, thanks for the almond suggestion. I did a batch of almond cranberry soap and it smells incredible! :)

    -Concerned Mama

  4. Oh! CM, that sounds yummy! I would love to try them out, give a Rave and provide a link. These old dudes could use some help in the scented soap department. :-)

  5. If love to hook you and any of the guys up! I'll shoot you an email so we can work this out.

  6. "frikky"?! Nothing I've ever blown up has gone "frikky". ;-)

  7. That's because you're not TRULY enjoying your work. Listen closer, let the mayhem speak to you....


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.