Saturday, June 8, 2013

Homeschooling surges

I know several of y'all homeschool. I'd love to start a page dedicated to homeschooling resources. So if you have favorite curriculums, ideas for newbies, resources, please email me at

Looks like homeschooling is on the rise.


  1. I was homeschooled. I could probably get info from my mom, but it could be a bit out of date, as my sister(the youngest) is 2 years into college and went to a public school for 11th and 12th grade.

  2. I'll email you on this when I have a minute to breathe. The GF thing is this upcoming Saturday, the travel site messed up my flight tickets 3 different ways (Still working our how they did that one.) 8 costumes to sew for a local thing, and I have company coming for dinner in 3 hours and nothing planned out yet.

    BTW, if you see my mind running around, catch it! I keep losing it.


  3. Thanks CM, BREATHE girl. And your mind probably ran away with mine, they're laying on a warm beach somewhere sipping drinks with little umbrellas.

  4. At least our minds are enjoying themselves!



Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.