Sunday, June 23, 2013

Peace through strength


  1. OOO FN RAH! For Reagan, he had a backbone!

  2. Catfish:

    Oh yeah, the guy, when out of office, was the key player in getting the 1994 AWB bill passed. No friend of 2A.

    Then, check history, start with Iran Contra and work through the rest of the scandals.

    Just another crooked, lying politician.

  3. If Obama responded like that there would be a Congressional Investigation. It is only OK to be a war monger if you're a republican. Democrats are required to suck dick!

  4. I'm sorry for having to do this here Angel...Volunteer, Constitutional Insurgent, I spent over eight months floating around the Gulf of Sidra back in the late 80's. My ship was the platform for the SAR detachment that went out looking for the lost F-111 pilots after the raids in Libya. None of my shipmate or for that fact the entire Seventh fleet share your views of Reagan, In fact I have a division reunion coming are more than welcome to tag along and speak your mind...

  5. Boilerdoc - I'm pretty certain that you don't know my views of Reagan, considering I referenced a single event.

    But it does take some chutzpah to presume to speak for an entire fleet.

  6. Boilerdoc:

    I understand where you are coming from. However...a few good deeds DO NOT erase the broken vow politicians take to follow the constitution and obey the law of the land. Sadly, Reagan, like our current fearless leader, did in fact violate their oath of office. No excuses.

    "Power does not corrupt. Corruptible people seek out positions of power".

  7. How's peace through weakness working?

  8. "How's peace through weakness working?"

    Not so well, I think. But a focus on nation building rather than terrorist eradication can have that effect.

  9. A few good things? Ask the millions who now are free from communism how that worked for them, then go ask anyone with half a brain how hope n change is turning out.
    The cold hard fact that liberals and half wits ( one in the same ) cannot seem to grasp is that tyrants, dictators and islamic terrorists understand the threat of a strong and resolute leader.
    Reagan was that leader when the country needed it the most, now that he is gone little ankle biters are free to nip at his legacy.

    C.I. I can speak for the Seventh fleet...I was there, were you?

  10. "C.I. I can speak for the Seventh fleet...I was there, were you?"

    Nope, Army, [we don't do fleets].....but I also don't have the self delusion required to speak for my Corps or Divisions. Hell, given disparate political ideologies and allegiances amongst groups of any size, I wouldn't have spoken for my Platoons.

  11. Maybe we just had esprit de corps that I witnessed from Norfolk to Italy to Hawaii, its not delusion its called pride in your fellow shipmates, your ship, your branch and your country. All I have heard from you is a bashing of Reagan and a smug sense of moral superiority.

  12. Interesting. While I think Reagan was the best POTUS in my lifetime, I fault him where it is due. You haven't heard bashing, you've heard someone who doesn't fellate the legacy of a man; a man who wasn't perfect and who did not always angage in the actions I would have wished him to do.

    Even the French responded in kind, after the bombings in Beirut. I fault Reagan for not sweeping the Bekaa Valey with fire.

    Is projecting your ideological assessments on to thousands of others now called 'pride'? Seems like moral superiority to me....

  13. Okay, all y'all listen up, I've let you vent your spleens and you've pretty much stated your sides. Anything else is going to be rehashing. I've had a really shitty weekend, I'm hanging on by a thread, and I'm sick of the bickering. Enough.

  14. BoilerDoc:

    To answer your question. Yes, I was there. However 15 years before you. Plus, my family, on all three sides, have served in the military for generations. My daughter currently serving in the Navy.

    Back to Reagan. Selling weapons to our enemy (Iran) in an effort to free hostages, and using some of the money to fund Central American rebels IS WRONG.

    Reagan had little to do with the wall coming down. That was primarily from the bankrupt economy of the Eastern block countries.

    I voted for Reagan. Knowing what I know today, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I would still vote for him over Carter. BUT that does not mean that he should not be held accountable for his actions. The same as ANYONE should.

    Some credit, yes, but Reagan was the beneficiary of a lot of factors. Some in our favor, others not.

    Plus, excusing criminal behavior because someone does some good is not a "get out of jail free card". If that was the case, Hitler gets time off because he was good to animals.

    Was Bush responsible for 9/11? Of course not. He was in office for 7 1/2 months. That tragedy was set in motion long before he was sworn in office. But that is part of his legacy in office.

    Let's also not forget the little 150 million bailout of the S&L's during Reagan's watch. Remind you of our latest little bank crash, with similar dollar amounts? Bailing out rich, corrupt bankers, with our tax dollars. Oh yeah, is it a coincidence they largely vote Republican?

    Do not even get me started on Democrats.

    The point I am making. Reagan, is just like all the others.

    We all WANT our politicians to be good guys. History, and today's reality show us, there is no such thing.

  15. Thank you Angel, for allowing the last response. I just walked in from work and did not see your post on this thread.


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.