Friday, July 26, 2013

I absolutely love these guys


  1. This is my munchkins (current) FAVE movie , she love the minions too.---Ray

  2. First movie the kiddo ever learned the name of was Despicable Me. She called it "Spikkabulmee", I think her favorite part was the roller-coaster scene. She asked to watch that movie every single day. Multiple times per day. She even owns a fluffy unicorn (named "Yoo-nee-corn"). We took her to see the second one in the theater, and for a 4 year old, she actually sat and watched the whole thing! Not necessarily in the same seat the whole time, but she did watch the whole movie. It held her interest.

  3. I will tell you right now, there will come a day when you can no longer remember the last mature audience movie you watched, where you suddenly realize you've been watching Pixar "Insert Title Here" for the last 30 minutes BY YOURSELF. Go with it, embrace it, become one with the insanity.

  4. I would rather watch kids movies. Although hollyweird fills them w/ propaganda too, it is usually a bit more subtle. Also, there are usually things in the movie that adults know that blow right over the kids heads...Not to mention that watching animated movies does not exposed me to the sight of wacko hollyweird leftists...

  5. Oh, I love Pixar movies! What I really hate are the fluffy-lovey "Happy Feet" crap movies that are really just brainwashing commercials for Greenpeace. There's another one out, for younger kids, where a cheeta's dad is shot by a very evil-looking hunter, and a wise bear has to talk a bunch of psychotic monkeys from attacking "because that won't help, lets sing a song, and the unfeeling machines will become our friends!" Seriously. That's how the final conflict of the movie is resolved. I had to leave the room and go watch something violent, like "Constantine" or "Usual Suspects".

  6. Yeh Rabid A, but little girls WANT to believe that True love is forever. Being nice will make people love you, the good guys allways win and they do it with a song and a pink bow (told Ya my Munchkin was a girlie -girl)---Ray

  7. And as a former little girl, I can tell you right now, nothing screws up a girl's outlook on love and romance than the stupid froofy Disney movies.

    Disney creates unrealistic expectation in girls, and porn creates unrealistic expectations in boys.

  8. "porn creates unrealistic expectations in boys."

    Not so far, thanks.


  9. Then it's just me not living up to porn expectations? Gee, thanks. :-P


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.