Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Heh heh heh


  1. The Federal Reserve exists to shoot a bunch of worthless paper out in a very short time. It is time for common sense money printing control!

  2. Heh is right I have an evil assualt lighter right in front of me different model though I feel like such an outlaw.Spooky

  3. So what does an aerosol can and a match end up on this scale? Because that sounds fun.


  4. Flamethrower must be WMD scale...

  5. Fun fact: when reloading bullets, crushed and powdered match heads can be substituted for black powder.(WARNING! I have not tested or verified this in practice, please use care! I have powdered match heads, though, and they do burn a lot like black powder.)


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.