Monday, October 14, 2013

Technology hates me

It started last Thursday with my cell phone and laptop turning themselves on, and my webcam turning on. I finally took the battery out of my phone and put a piece of tape over the camera lens. But after that, texting has been spotty with my outgoing texts never getting to their destinations and only 1 of 20 incoming texts reaching me. This still isn't fixed even with multiple calls to tech support.

Now my aol email is telling me I can't access or send email. I'm beginning to feel electronically ostracized. Poor pitiful me.

So if you've emailed or texted, I'm not ignoring you. I'm just not getting them. Hopefully, I'll get out of the cyber doghouse soon.


  1. Are you sure you haven't been hacked? The cam turning on is very weird, but well within the realm of some No Such Agency or others. Tape over all your cams, and watch your accounts carefully.

  2. I'm a complete technological idiot. I wouldn't know if I'd been hacked or not, but I'm taking the laptop to Bubbba the Computer Guru here in town tomorrow and let him poke around in it.

  3. Chap on the radio was saying he could not access his"CIAOL" e mail account either.Seems like a not so local failure.

  4. Not good. Second what Mr. M said ^^^

    Goodnight Angel,

  5. I too see the hoof prints of the toddler in chiefs goons. And to think, when I saw the hedline, my first thought was some beauty product being difficult.

  6. As an IT guy myself, I can't help but think....AOL? That's still around?!?

  7. You have a cyber stalker ---Ray

  8. Rabid, yes aol. Somedays the little guy saying "You've got mail" is the only friendly voice I hear.

  9. Don't feel alone, Ol' Remus seems to be having the same problem.


  10. Yeeeeeep, tape over every camera in your house, take your computer and phone to someone technical who you trust... possibly get your lawyer on alert.

  11. I try to always put a clothespin over the camera on the laptop
    It can be hacked into if not good enough firewall

  12. Most women only use one of those excuses at a time for ignoring me. I've never had anyone use all of them at the same time..............

  13. It's ok dear. Technology can hate you, cause we all love ya. Can'y wait for you to get back to your normal posting.

  14. Switch to Linux, it doesn't have all the backdoors that are a feature of Windows.
    It won't assure security but it helps.

  15. Ahh I'm not the only one.


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.