Sunday, March 23, 2014

He's the Ginger Beard Man!


  1. Who has lips of heather?
    A beard of wiry steel?
    Who can thrill a woman
    every time he cops a feel?
    The Ginger Beard man can
    The Ginger Beard man can
    The Ginger Beard man can
    'cause he mixes it with love
    and makes it all feel good!

    (song bomb detonating in 3, 2, 1 ... )

    You're welcome! :-)

    (I trust you're not imagining him wearing a kilt ...)

  2. Good morning, Ian!
    And yes, the kilt is mandatory, it's quite windy here this morning.
    heh heh heh

  3. That's how my middle brother looked about thirty years ago. Sorry, no Scotch blood, German Jew, Pole, and Swiss/Italian.

  4. You can look in his eyes and see he has no soul.


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.