Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wirecutter was right

Tights are appropriate outerwear. Yum.


  1. I wish I could share your enthusiasm...

  2. I thought y'all was a kilt woman?

  3. See how that works?
    Yum is in the eye (or hand) of the beholder


  4. Not to be overly critical or anything, but his legs are weak-sauce. I mean come on, the most functional muscles in the body (hehehe, as in the most used...for anyone past puberty) you skip out on? Leg day much?You can do better than that ma'am, being able to squat twice your body weight or more and deadlift a small car is impressive. That is strength, it's go and not show. Toothpick legs to make your pecker look bigger...not so much. If you can squat 400 lb., think about the force you can generate in, ahem, other activities. I can sympathize with the hairless chest syndrome though, it kind of sucks.

  5. Call me judgmental, but I'd dare say that dude's boyfriend would take offense to you ogling his partner.....
    No body hair, the delicate pose, and footy leggings????? They better be made out of Nomex, because he's about to burst into flames!
    Sorry darlin', but that one is not interested unless you're bringing sausage to the party.
    Oh well, at least you got to look. :/

    Whitehall, NY

  6. It appears that this boy's "junk" is lacking.



  7. I was gonna start with telling Ken to stop sending in his pic...but after reading ravinglawyer....I could not put it on him....because raving is totally correct! No hair, toothpick legs, but give the
    "boy" credit for a little definition in the chest....and maybe....just maybe he is a grower not a shower......LOL

  8. Goddamnit Lisa, you're banned and you ain't allowed to hang out with Angel no more.


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.