Saturday, May 3, 2014

My deepest sincerest apologies to wirecutter

It was brought to my attention that over the past couple of days, several comments made by wirecutter were not published. This led him to believe that I had actually snapped, lost my ever-loving shit and banned his ass. We all know by now that that's never going to happen. Never the less, it led to hurt feelings on his part, and for this I am truly sorry.

I can claim many excuses from massage fog to Blogger fuck ups to being deathly sick the last couple of days, but none of these are valid in light of the serious slight. I am truly disgraced and dismayed by my oversight, mortified beyond words. It is this time that I would like to lay my soul bare and beg wirecutter's forgiveness.

My friend, my fairy blogfather, Oh Great Patriot soulmate and guide! Take mercy on me, your humble student, and forgive my insensitive oversight. I vow it will never happen again.

Pretty please?


  1. I bet you find this motherfucking comment, huh?

  2. Okay, sweetie, when someone apologizes from the bottom of their heart, you forgive them.

  3. Is that how it works in Texas? That's funny.

  4. That's how it works everywhere. You noodleloaf.

  5. So thats why he has been moping around for a couple of days.....Damn Noodleloaf!

  6. Whup him into shape, Miss Lisa!


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.