Wednesday, July 23, 2014

III Patriot Society: Strength in numbers

Okay, yeah, I'm a little late to the game on this one, but I had good reason. I've been a little whackadoo lately. But now I'm focused and serious. There has been much written by wirecutter and Kerodin on this, so I'm not going to re-plow the fields they've already sown. Go read wc's HERE and Kerodin's HERE.
They explain the purpose and focus of joining the III Patriot Society, they explain the character of those involved, Sam even gives you an easy button to assist in your joining. What I'm going to do is break down the numbers a la Sally Struthers. 

I'm sitting here sipping my $1.61 Big Fuck You Bloomberg Tub of Coke and thinking. I get one of these a day, average $48 a month. That's four Colonial memberships or two Minuteman memberships on a monthly payment with $8 left over for fun and games. I'm giving up Cokes for Liberty. What can you do without? What is your freedom worth to you? What is your family's freedom worth? Is the III Patriot Society going to stop the erosion of our Rightful Liberty in it's tracks? Not on its own, but it's another arrow in the Patriot quiver. It's another means, a very powerful means of getting our voices heard, our point across. But one voice crying out in the wilderness won't do it, we need numbers to be noticed. We need to stand together, we need to focus our efforts, we need to organize our resources and use them efficiently. And coming together in a group legally recognized by the government is probably the best way to do it. You know the old saying, "Fight fire with fire"? We're lighting that fire. May it ever burn brightly.

I'm putting the link to the III Patriot Society in my blogroll. Please consider if your Liberty is worth $20 or even $10 a month, click on the link and join with us. 


  1. i had thought about joining BUT
    uh oh here comes the excuse!!
    since i have come home i have been replacing preps that were stolen from me while i was incapacitated
    i have never asked for help from anyone
    and im not asking now
    always made my own way-but life can throw a monkey wrench in the gears causing bad shit to happen

    besides would i really fit in??
    you see i get a very small ssi check every month
    after rent insurance on the truck payment on the bike and gas for said vehicles and feeding myself i am broke - here it is july 23 i got six bucks in my pocket

    once i was told i probly understood the III concept more than i thought i did (WC think about it)i have read it on III blogs
    you get a gov check you are sucking on the gov teat
    would i really fit in??

    livin to ride

  2. livin, you'd fit in nicely. "Feeding off the government teat" and cashing in on the years of payments you made into the system when you absolutely need to are two entirely different things. Different animals altogether.

    I face the same issue with the girls and SSI. Do I seek that help for them? Are they, and by relation I, feeding off the government teat? And if I accept that help, am I opening Pandora's box to government intrusion into our home life?

    Please email me.



Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.