Tuesday, January 20, 2015

RIP Page 3 Girls

Another institution is sacrificed on the alter of feminism.The Sun has decided, after publishing the Page 3 Girls for 45 years, that nekkid female boobies are too "old-fashioned", not in tune with rising feminism (I'm sorry, I'm very feminine and I have titties, they're pretty nice titties for an almost old lady, and I'm not ashamed of them). So, as a tribute to another harmless cultural icon biting the dust, I give you titties. Big and small, old and young, real and fake. Long may they bounce and jiggle.

NSFW after the break



  1. Nice titties. You can hang on and bite'em at the same time. Got moar?

  2. I'm a girl and I like titties. Hell, everyone likes titties, even gays! Had a friend who once made the stupidest statement saying it's okay to walk around topless around gays because they're, well, gay. I told her they're gay, not dead.

  3. Bobo, even though your name evokes dreaded clowns, I really like you. I think we'd have a blast "hanging out".

  4. Ha ha ha ha! Angel, I don't know if Wirecutter could take both of us teamed up together so we'd just have to hang out, drink beer, and make fun of liberals.

  5. Wirecutter's a lot more zenmaster than he let's on. Plus, he has Xanax.

  6. You show more titties than wirecutter does hope he dont get his nose pushed outa shape you go girl.

  7. wirecutter doesn't have any titties to show. ;-)

  8. For the real bewbees, I thank you. The fakuns, meh. Unless they spend some dough, er, their sugar daddy spends some dough, they look like crap. And feel like crap. One girl (in your nearby big town, btw) wound up with her nipples waaaay in the wrong place.

  9. I love boobs, I love women that love men to love boobs, boobs make the world go round... Damn Brit feminazies, they be bring the revolution that much faster banning boobs...

  10. Needed more redheads to balance it out .

  11. You,yes the manet , a brunette posing as a redhead . The expressions to calm . IMHO

  12. Yep you are the real redhead here . The Manet is a pale shadow of the real thing . (He said , sucking up a bit )

  13. I like you, walker.
    You amuse me.
    I'll eat your soul last.

  14. And yes been a lurker since you started . Had to see who WC kept hitting with the ban hammer .

  15. Yeah, he preemptively banned me tonight.

  16. Ha there's a ginger with a prior claim . Yeah epic soul stealer battle ! Although , do surrenders count ? Just wondering .

  17. Damn, Bobo and Angel, I wished I'd gotten here earlier - that would be better than the summer Sears Roebuck.
    I might've gotten banned.

  18. It's okay, wc, just put us in your
    Spank Bank.

  19. Who left the seat up?

  20. Psych!

    Sun News Trolls Feminist Campaigners, Brings Back 'Page 3'


  21. I went and read the Sun article, they said you're a journalist!

    >>“We would like to apologise on behalf of the print and broadcast journalists who have spent the last two days talking and writing about us.” <<

  22. Boobs!!!!!! Wonderfully fantastic beautiful boobs. :)

  23. HI SARA!!! Come to join the party?

  24. Well, there's boobs! Once the boobs come out, I'm in! ~getting motorboated~ lol!

  25. Well being a red blooded heterosexual American male I can say that I love me some titties. It's a crying shame that some stuffy assed Puritan feminazi sumbitches would demand removal of titties from any venue. Titties are wonderful. Titties are beautiful (except when they sag below the waistline!). Titties make life worth living! LONG LIVE TITTIES!


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.