Thursday, April 2, 2015

Game. Changer.

I used to have my great-great-great-grandmother's recipe for toast.
Handed down from mother to daughter for generations,
and always a family-pleaser.
I'm so mad I lost it in our last move.


  1. You can get anything you want..
    At Allison's Restaurant

  2. I will send you my great-grandmother's recipe for toast but you have to promise you will sign a confidentiality agreement; can't be too careful.

  3. Bless you, Bobo!
    We'll have toast for Easter!!!!

  4. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Well-played, my friend ... well-played.

  5. I bet Bobby Dupea would stop there.

  6. Hello Angel,
    a friend of mine once told me that whatever you have read once in your life it is in your brain and can be accessed.
    He said he went to a Person who knew hypnosis and it worked.
    So, this maybe a way to get the recipe back. But then it will be no longer a family secret. The hypnotists may sell it.

  7. Was just at a seance. Great Great Grandma checked in, you're toast!


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.