Sunday, July 5, 2015

Civil disobedience


  1. If we have to bake them cakes, fine. Edible is not part of the equation though. Substitute sawdust for flour, and lard for cream cheese. Of course, if it ever comes to a mooslime wedding, the lard gets replaced with bacon fat.
    Welcome to what the end times description in the Bible looks like.

  2. Lard and bacon fat are the same thing.

  3. that's right, Rob.


  4. A little edumacation seems in order. Lard is the rendered fat of the hog. Rendering is done in a kettle or cauldron at fairly high temps. several gallons at a time(my Granny rendered over a hardwood fire) . Bacon fat is the product of slow cooking strips of salt or smoke cured fat back in a shallow skillet. They are similar but the low temp. cooking of bacon allows its fat to spoil quickly while the lard , cooked at high temps. is sterile and when strained of "cracklins" and placed in sterile cans will keep for months if stored in a cool place. ---Ray

  5. Bob, as Ray pointed out,they are not the same. Lard lacks that distinct flavor. I would want the mooslimes to experience that fine taste, and marvel at it, then cringe and recoil in horror when they found out they were consuming pork.
    When I was a kid, we had lard made from beef fat which strictly speaking is not lard at all. Its tallow. There was a lot of Jewish roots in our diet. Happy to say, we did get pork chops, but mom always cooked the bacon til past crunchy.

  6. A little E coli goes a long way....just saying....

    vaquero viejo


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.