Monday, July 6, 2015

Happy Monday, y'all!


  1. This is not what "Butterfly Doors" is supposed to mean.

  2. Great news, honey! Not only did I save money by fixing the power window myself, when I was done I had these screws left over which I can use for something else, someday.

    For those who've never done it, reattaching the armrest/doorpull is a pain in the neck and a very important step when installing the door card. Also the snap fasteners (teal coloured in this photo) have to be aligned and pressed in until they lock into place.


  3. Yeah, that's kinda how today started.

  4. that is my horse, I shoot the sumbitch, take my saddle, call the buzzards and start walking.....

    vaquero viejo


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.