Tuesday, October 6, 2015

We'd all be on a waiting list for Wirecutter


  1. Shit, the best part of telling a good story is having a crowd around.

  2. I would want to read some reviews on most people first...

  3. So....what is the late fee for Nancy Friday or Xavier Hollander??

    vaquero viejo

  4. These places are called "Bars!!!"
    Pop a beer and start talkin'!!
    "No Sh!t there I was, Thought I was gonna' Die!!
    And then I .........
    Hurdling dirtward at 120 miles per hour!!
    All I had was a hand full of silkworms and a sewing machine!!
    And "Dirty Ed" had us in stitches, laughing our a$$ off and spilling our beer for what seemed like hours but was a considerable bit less but
    spinning this tale of a hapless skydiver!!
    Dirty has "Gone on" but his stories live with us!!

    Because no good story started with a salad!!

    Blue skies,
    Black death,


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.