Sunday, November 29, 2015

Disturbing, but funny


  1. Stuffed and mounted. Then dressed in crappy clothing with a hat in my hand and left on a street corner to see home man people walk by day after day without ever check to see if I'm dead.

    I suspect the answer will reaffirm my general low faith in humanity.


  2. Stick a ham bone up my ass and let the dogs drag me down an alley.

  3. That's some disturbingly funny shit right there!

  4. After the friend of a guy who worked for me was killed in a work accident, we were discussing this. I said I wanted them to donate my body to science because I wanted to deprive my ex the satisfaction of pissing on my grave.
    The guys were all 19 to 21. they had all been classmates of my daughters, and all knew my ex. They were rolling at the thought because they could picture her doing it.

  5. cremate me and load me in some 12 ga. shells and fire me over my favorite quail hunting haunts.....

    vaquero viejo

  6. I dreamt I died and every one I knew came to the funeral. Not to mourn, just to make sure I was dead!
    When the minister got up to do the eulogy, both my ex's were sitting together. As he started to tell the audience what good person I had been, the one ex turned to the other and said, "better go up and check the casket, we must be at the wrong funeral."

  7. Hell V V, we might just do that, but shoot you at some mooslimes so when they die there is a little good in em.

  8. Light my ass on fire and catapult it into the Pacific.

  9. When I finally shuffle off this mortal coil, some of my friends are going to dress my body in a Superman outfit, and then throw me out of an airplane. Over New York City.
    Then they are going to get hysterically intoxicated.
    It's going to be on the 6 O'clock international news, I guarantee.
    NOBODY is going to forget the day.



Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.