Sunday, November 1, 2015

That's why I'm a proud geek mom of geek girls


  1. I could only name 1 on the top row but got all the bottom row right.

  2. Sigorney Weaver was the first kick ass female lead in a scary movie: Alien. unusually, pretty much true to the novel. Thank you Ridley Scott.
    Glad you are ok, floods in Texas are a worry at the best of times.
    No rain for months and then, "oh shit!"

  3. Yep, there's a photo circulating on the Internets that says "Only in Texas can you go from a burn ban to a 'No Wake Zone' in 24 hours."

  4. once you go geek, you will never go back.....

    vaquero viejo


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.