Monday, November 23, 2015

We should have a special day

When all alumni who live in the real world 
get to go back to their alma maters and slap the shit out of some whiny ass entitled special snowflake on campus.
Call it "Welcome to the Real World" Day.


  1. Great white sharks are generally around 350 pounds at birth.

  2. Great whites are fish, they're not born as such, they hatch from eggs and stay inside their mother, eating their unhatched siblings until they're big enough to leave.

    I think the biggest baby, mammal or otherwise, would have to be a blue whale calf, estimated at 3 tons at birth.


  3. Anonymous, is that your actual handle, or are you really posting here because you choose to be . . . .What?
    You are correct on the sibling cannibalism thing, but lacking on the physiological aspect. Chickens hatch from eggs.

    Sarthurk here. You can call me Steve if you want.

  4. I really can't believe you guys.
    I give you a brilliantly snarky post on the pussification of American college students and y'all argue about animal/fish babies.

    Would it help if I changed "on earth" to "on land"?

  5. I considered a "your mom" joke, but concluded it was both too easy and too forced.

  6. My first thought was that there are some RINO elephants that are about as big a babies as the crybully snowflakes.

  7. ever notice the way students who were in the real world a while before beginning/resuming their college work look at those who have never been "there"?....pretty well sums up what you are saying, Wise Angel One, regardless of size on land or sea......

    vaquero viejo

  8. Actually Angel I find the wussification of today's elite youth beyond sarcasm or humour. I know old-timers who learned more in eight years in a one-room schoolhouse than some university graduates (mostly graduates in the various "studies") I have met. I find nothing enjoyable about the decline of the world's greatest civilization.


    Steve, the name is Al, as stated. I don't have a google or Facebook account. Cheers,

  9. HI Al! Yes, Fecesbook sucks. Any snow in Ottawa yet?

    Angel, you said, "on earth". It's your own fault. You let us bitch about this BS. So ban me. I'm sure Wirecutter can tell me all about it.
    No worries... in fact I'm pretty happy because my PSA test results today, indicate that the radiation treatments have apparently killed the cancer. Now all I gotta do is recover from nuclear annihilation.

    Cheers! Scotch on the rocks!

  10. That's excellent news, Sarthurk! Congrats!
    And I don't ban people, that's wc's thing.
    I didn't ban him, he just doesn't visit
    the little people very often.


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.