Tuesday, February 9, 2016

And this is just me, going to Hell and shit


  1. Note to self. Don't fuk with animals that can kill you.

    I Fuked with a rattler once but was only in the hospital long enough to really get to enjoy morphine. Crap! I didn't even miss a day of work.

    Now, since then, I've worked with deer, beaver(shutup) raccoons, and harbor seals. Oh, and sharks and very large fish.

    Now I'm so busted up and old, that I just count them (fish and inverts) on a video monitor. Pretty safe duty.
    Doesn't pay worth shit, but it pays.

  2. He and the Grizzly Man are sharing a condo in dunce heaven.

  3. Where is the guy on a buffalo in all this?

  4. DUH!.....took me two freaking days to "get" this.

    Man, getting old SUCKS!

  5. It's okay, drjim, I'll send the express bus to hell back to pick you up.

  6. Save me a seat. I laughed my ass off.

  7. crikey, that's bad.

    it's enough to make the cat laugh

  8. they say it you can't say something good about someone, then not to say anything, soooooo...........

    vaquero viejo


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.