Wednesday, February 3, 2016


It's still Wednesday, isn't it?


  1. All the way till midnight. :-)

  2. Did you have to remind me?
    On the other hand, I'm back to work again. My wife is ecstatic.
    We went 6 months with me being unemployed (she's retired) and didn't kill each other.

    Back to counting marine fish and invertebrates, and evaluating marine habitat on underwater video.

    It's an awesome job for an old guy who can't get out and about much anymore, but it doesn't pay worth shit. The only job I ever had that payed well, was a political one. What's up with that crap? And with that, You'll understand why I put up with a poor paying job. 30 Year biologist making $16 an hour.



  3. ummm, Wise Angel One, if you hop a jet for Japan........

    vaquero viejo

  4. You must of had a day like mine, SMOD2016 show up now and end this day. I got stuck in the snow twice, every part I came into town to buy was out of stock and every moron on the road was in my way, and then my dog ran off chasing a deer. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  5. Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffet say it always friday somewhere!.....

    vaquero viejo


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.