Tuesday, May 31, 2016

But it's discreet brown paper


  1. That's like the opposite of when I bought bondage tape online.

    I don't care who knows. It's neat stuff, and if I was actually using it for bondage that would be something to brag about.

    ...wow, the CAPTCHA here really doesn't trust me. Had to prove my humanity 5 times.

  2. Hey, it's in a plain brown wrapper!

  3. The W.G. Harding quote seems especially appropriate now, doesn't it?

  4. just put a UPS logo on it, and ........

    vaquero viejo

  5. These were all such good comments...I really like your group of readers Angel...you got it goin' on girl!....now....if the paper had been white...would it have been butcher paper, and what may I ask would have been the signigicance of that? Then again...no, nevermind...

  6. Hey that g should have been an f...you know...you will find the error of my ways...so please fix it so I don't look dagt...lmao!

  7. Miss Lisa, do you have problems with the stuff you order that comes in plain brown wrapping?

    vaquero viejo


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.