Thursday, July 28, 2016

I desperately need both


  1. Ditto. Between hubby losing his job in April and quickly (?) finding a new one the end of June, dealing with extended family drama, having kids get the celiac worsened tummy bugs because of friends sharing, myself having basically an allergic reaction/dermal sensitization to a fragrance oil when I finally got the oomph to start making soaps and such again, (and tomorrow will be 3 weeks since that happened, but I'm finally feeling like I could be human again soon,) and over the last three weeks not getting more than 2 consecutive hours of sleep a night, and on the morning of us finally getting to do a belated weekend away with the kids instead of the planned vacation because of job loss having the youngest tossing his cookies like a madman....yeah, I'm right there with you. Hubby and the big kids went on the weekend away, el sicko and I are piled up on the sofa watching movies and enjoying the quiet.

    I hope your sleep and peace show up soon. Take care. XX


  2. I feel ya there. Been working 12 hour shifts so I exhausted and am right at this very second listening to an 18 year old irresponsible little jerk throw a foul mouthed full on tantrum because he can't find the wallet he just had in his hand an hour ago.

    Thank God for headphones.

  3. often, one is the answer to both, and blessed indeed is the person who finds it....wishing you luck and more....

    vaquero viejo

  4. May God grant you both in great measure.

    Michael in Nelson

  5. Prayers up..I second Michael in Nelson...and when two or more come together in His name...

    Love you!


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.