Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I'm really not sure how to feel about this

On the one hand, it's badass.
On the other hand, I want to see him hit a rock.


  1. My sister used to deliver pizza on a unicycle.

  2. When we were stupid/young/etc, the dumbass bunch of us pitched in to get a case of quart beers. The guy with the fake ID tripped on the doorway out of the store, and every bottle broke. It's a miracle the guy is still alive today. We all disowned him eventually. I almost put him down for firing an unloaded pellet pistol in my face.

  3. the degree to which you want to see him hit a rock is in inverse relationship to your interest in the beer.....

    vaquero viejo

  4. I'll bet this guy is manly enough to squeeze 120lbs with his hands. Referring to the post above about manliness.

  5. It's a lot better doing that with cans... on a bad day you still have some beer.

  6. Badass, dumbass.
    To-may-to, to-mah-to.


  7. It's only Miller Beer.........I vote vote for the rock thingy!


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.