Friday, October 7, 2016

Only the strong survived


  1. The first car my family had with seat belts was a 1963 Oldsmobile. My Dad was pretty darn insistent about us keeping them on...

  2. Love it! The handles for raising the windows and a wind wing for airflow control. Ahh, those were the days.

  3. Man, I just had a plastic red seat with a steering wheel, it wasn't strapped in or anything, nice steel dash in the impala wagon, I can't remember what chevy we had before that other than I managed to get it into neutral one time and roll into the street. I was probably 3 or 4 but remember that quite well :)

  4. I didn't care for the outfits but I loved my damn steering wheel.

  5. And now we pander to the pussies.

  6. I never had a car seat. My baby brother, born in 1973 got one after he was about year old. I was ten then. We rode in the floorboard, front seat, back seat, laying on the deck of the back seat underneath the rear window. All the windows were rolled up and both parents smoking like chimneys. We lived through all of it though.


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.