Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Texas Panhandle Autumn


  1. Sounds like here in the Florida panhandle too.

  2. Do you get "bad" winters there, Angel?

    The only area in Texas I "know" is the DFW area, where I went on business trips years ago.

  3. Interesting fact, drjim, Teen Queen was delivered in a multiple tornado warning on a muggy day in May and Baby Queen was delivered in the middle of an ice storm preceding a blizzard in November.
    We've had 18 inches of snow on Easter and played football in the sunny 60s on New Year's of the same year. Some winters are extremely mild, some are dry and colder than Hillary's cootch, and some seem like the only thing between the Panhandle and the North Pole is a barbed wire fence. And the fence is down.

  4. I can deal(and have dealt) with Panhandle winters for about 40 years. Some worse than others. I can handle that.The almost certain downer is the not really hot, not really cold, can't get comfy inside or out,every day dust storm,friggin PANHANDLE SPRING!

    vaquero viejo

  5. Quite possibly the most accurate Texas weather forecast I've seen.

  6. I once spent 6 hours making the drive from Dumas to Amarillo. Fun times.


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.