Thursday, May 30, 2019

20yh century problems.


  1. Nice to see you back!

    Many years ago I upgraded my VHS machine to one with (wow!) my first wireless remote, and the old machine which still worked I gave to my parents so they could start renting movies.
    A few days later I saw my mother who looked at me with a smirk on her face. She said,"You left this in the machine you gave us".

    And she handed me a tape of "Captured Suburban Housewives".

    Top that.

  2. looked thru a stack of old video tapes after reading/seeing this. lots of hours of desert shots and armor going down desert tracks, artillery outgoing and incoming, and apaches firing hellfires and other such trivia. also movies not even found on line. and sports games taped for posterity(no such thing).
    put it all back in the boxes. some memories are best left in the closet.

  3. Raiders . . . Rams.

    Los Angeles Raiders . . . Los Angeles Rams?


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.