Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Damn. It’s been five years?

Hey, yeah, it’s me. WiserAngel. Older, fatter, grayer, tireder. Still snarky.

So, let’s get caught up, shall we? Moved my folks to be closer to us in 2020. Three months later, mom had a stroke. Six months later, she died of cancer, January 16, 2021. We inherited Poppy who had started showing signs of dementia. He was still able to live somewhat alone in a retirement community, but without mom, he started losing ground quickly. We moved him in with us last year, but soon had to place him in a nursing home with memory care services. Wait, I’m missing some stuff. 

Okay, after Sarah’s death, spouse turned over a new leaf. We’re working through stuff and he’s been really great. So far. He had a work injury that required extensive surgery in 2021. He retired and I went back to work as a middle school SpEd teacher at tiny town on the south plains. I just finished my third year and still moderately sane. It was a two-hour drive from Borger, which I did for a year before we decided to move. Sold the giant house in Borger and bought 15 acres with an old abandoned cotton gin.

We moved from 4500 sq ft to an 8x40 shipping container cabin. I’m loving every minute of it. I’ll get more pics up later.

Where was I? Oh yeah, last year, we built a 16x30 cabin for Poppy. We were able to keep him with us for 8 months before we moved him. His nursing home is less than a quarter mile from my school and we eat lunch together every day. He enjoys his new home and has made friends. All of the nurses adore him. This is good, but expensive. He saved for the future, which is good and bad. He covered everything for a while, we applied for Medicaid for nursing home, and we waited. Dad’s money ran out, and we took over. Our money ran out, and Medicaid hadn’t even started reviewing his case. Wirecutter asked you guys to help, and your amazing support kept us going for a couple of months. Still no response from Medicaid. January of this year through April were me hiding my desperation from everyone and taking out 11 payday loans. Last month the house of cards fell. We did get notice that dad got Medicaid going back to January. However, they were penalizing him for giving my brother $32,000 last year. I realized that I had $3900/month in loan payments and a $2700/month paycheck. In desperation, I sold mom and dad’s wedding rings and the rest of her jewelry. I was able to pay off all but two, a $424 a month and $480 a month. I’m down, but not out.

I’m going to start selling pics of my feet on FeetFinder. GingerToes. Don’t laugh, it might work. Keep our fingers (and toes) crossed. And there’s another fundraising attempt. I am mortified by asking. I know everyone has been killed by the last four years. And honestly, I don’t expect anything. I would rather raise money than ask for it.

But hey! It gave me an opportunity to drop in and say hi! We need to do this more often and I can’t wait to show you around the new place. Check back in, I plan to stay around awhile.



  1. I was wondering where you'd disappeared to.
    Life keeps chugging on. Sometimes it seems relentlessly.

  2. Love you young lady!
    Angles walk among us!

    1. Angles or angels? Just wondering where you were going with this

  3. Been wondering whre you were but knew you were working through stuff. Same here. Been in the OR no less than 7 times since last we heard from you but weirdly am in better heath now than I have been for many years.

  4. Univ of Saigon 68May 29, 2024 at 9:28 AM

    You should try Wikifeet. Sometimes when I DDG some actress' name, that's one of the sites that comes up. Not my cup of tea, but there's all kinds of people in the world.

  5. Well, I’ll be Goddamned! Welcome back, Angel!

  6. Well HELLO again ma'am, so glad to hear from you. I was hoping that you might decide to post at least every once in a while. When it begins to become work - take a break. This is supposed to be fun.

    Life to me appears to be spent finding people and places you like and slowly watch them disappear from your Life. Teaches us to appreciate EACH AND EVERY DAY the people and places that bring us joy.

    You take care of you and your family.

  7. Welcome back. Telling the wife, she's a huge fan.

  8. Glad you are back, been getting tired of looking at Wirecutter in a diaper.

  9. Welcome back to the internet Angel. I always enjoyed your posts and repartee with certain uncouth individuals 🙂.

  10. So glad you're back! You've been missed!

  11. I glad you back. I enjoyed all your posting. I was raised just south of you. I lived in SAV when I found your site. Have since moved back (doggone it) to about 3 hr.s south of you. Stinking desert. I wish you and yours the best.

  12. Hey Angel, glad to get the update. We were corresponding a little and to the point that you and hubby were gonna meet me for a burger before your SHTF. I'm still in the hub, but was going to your area for reloading supplies during a serious crunch and everybody here was either sold out or scalping prices out the wazoo. We may be neighbors now. Good to hear things are improving for you.

  13. Welcome back, It's been a shit show on the intertubes with out you. Hope things start panning out better.

    Spin Drift

  14. glad your back really missed your ramblings

  15. I've been there. Just buried mom (Alzheimer's) who passed away the 2nd of this month after over 5 years as full time caregiver with breaks from my sister and little brother most weekends.

  16. Hey there, darlin'.
    Glad to hear from you - finally.
    You have been missed.

    Whitehall, NY

  17. Seems like you could rent out the gin building as a hay barn or some such. Instead of a cotton gin, perhaps start making actual gin. Just spitballing.

    1. Right now it’s full of museum quality archaic gin equipment. We’ve been trying for two years to find a buyer, but it’s so old no one wants it. We’re trying to figure out how to break it down for scrap, but the cost of hauling it off is higher than what we’d get for it.

  18. I have missed your writing for years.

    Steve in KY

  19. Angel, dear... way back when,, we corresponded a bit, and you gave me some great insight and info regarding my young grandson. From what I've read here, it seems like "life" has happened for both of us. I will continue to hold you up in prayer; and it warms my ol' heart and makes me smile that you are still being "you".
    Glad you're back, as well; to help ride herd on Kenny - I was running out of duct tape..

    1. Duct tape doesn’t work. I have a new cattle prod that might work. It’s good to be back.

  20. Thanks for coming back Angel. We have two daughters with special needs, a whole bunch of different things between the two of them both physical and emotional. Both had to drop out of school, but the oldest got her GED later. I cried when you described what Sarah’s class did for her. It was very beautiful. Pushed a little money your way. A lot of people like you. $3000 isn’t enough for us to show it. Don’t be shy in asking for more. It’s not charity it’s a gift for people we love.

    1. Hugs! The challenges seem insurmountable, but the joy our kids bring make it worth it. We have Jay out here with us. She has her own shipping container cabin for “independence.” It’s 30 ft from my door to hers. Gotta keep ‘em close, right?

  21. Good to hear from you!! Don't leave us again for so long.

    1. I’m hoping things calm down a bit. The last five years felt like an unending marathon.


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.