Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas (Late Night so Santa doesn't see)



  1. That's wrong, 3 1/2 times the length, what was the rest of the article about?

  2. Oh very funny.

    Been mia, so a belated Merry Christmas Wiser!

  3. I was about to send out a search party, timbo. Hope you're okay, and belated Merry christmas to you too.

  4. Thanks for the thought! Yeah I'm good. Somewhat like Wirecutter, I get busier as Christmas approaches. Then add all the personal Christmas stuff, and people wonder where I've disappeared to.

    Cooked a 28 pound turkey that I picked up from a local Hudderite colony. Best one ever. One of the folks I fed was a 91 y.o. rural dude, and he said it was the best he had ever had. So that was cool. Should now be good for 20 gallons of soup and a couple hundred samiches!!

  5. What the hell do you cook a 28-lb turkey in, timbo?! The biggest bird I've ever cooked was 16-lb. We were sick of ham and turkey and smoked a brisket with all the trimmings for Christmas. Nothing says "Christmas" like smoked beef.

  6. I actually have a beautiful stainless steel roasting pan that my Mom gave us years ago that held the monster!
    Mom is long gone, but the pan rocks on!

    Mmmmm, brisket.... My mouth is watering right now as I imagine your smoked brisket.

    I'm not sure if it was here or on another blog that I mentioned that I have never cooked a turkey. I have had goose for Thanksgiving and Christmas for 51 years in a row! The geese I find run 16-18 pounds, so this 28 pound turkey caused some apprehension.

    As family and friends relocate and/or die off, some traditions have to be reworked. I'm doing a new years day goose!


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.