Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Post-Christmas Bacon Hangover Cure

Excellent site for all things BACON

Bacon Butter Cups
Things you’ll need…
27 tons of Bacon, cooked.
2 pounds of milk chocolate.
14-16 ounces of creamy or smooth peanut butter.
2 1 dozen mini muffin tins with mini paper cups.

Begin by putting the Bacon in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.

Place 24 paper cups in the 2 of the mini muffin tins. Next, melting 1 pound of chocolate in a double boiler. Once tempered, add a generous dollop to the bottom of each cup. Using the back of a soup spoon, gently push the chocolate upwards to coat the sides of the cup. Repeat until all 24 cups have been filled.

You may need to retemper the chocolate depending on how quickly you work.

Place them in the refrigerator for approximately 2 hours to harden.

While they’re setting, remove the Bacon from the freezer and dice in to bit sized pieces. Pan fry them in small handfuls over medium to low flame. Place it off to the side to cool.

After the 2 hours, remove the cups from the refrigerator and add a cluster of Bacon to each chocolate shell.

Melt an additional 1/2 pound of chocolate and drop a modest dollop of chocolate on to the Bacon. Set it back in the refrigerator for approximately 2 hours.

Once set, begin mixing the peanut butter until it’s smooth. Add a small scoop to the cups and smooth out. Make sure to leave room for the chocolate top.

Melt the remaining 1/2 pound of chocolate and spoon it on top if the peanut butter.

Tip: work from the center out, pushing the chocolate to the sides rather than spreading it.

Place them in the refrigerator for approximately 4 hours.

Plate, serve, and devour.

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