Monday, February 4, 2013

The Babe Brigade

MissK, doubletrouble2 and yours truly...


  1. Did you hear the latest about militant lesbian Rosie O'Donnell? Furious at the success of christian owned chick-fil-a and in-n-out burger, she has decided to open up a chain that sells burgers and chicken fingers to compete with them. She wants to call it ...... Furrburgers & Fingers.

  2. Bryn, Isle of AngleseyFebruary 4, 2013 at 3:30 PM

    Nice historical photo, but their muzzle discipline?
    Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear....

    Definitely pre-4 Rules.

  3. And rumor has it my ex wife plans on being a heavy investor in Furrburgers.

  4. You can tell that one in the middle is a floozie. She's about to flash some ankle.

  5. Heh, yeah, she's a floozie, that dt2. Just ask angrymike. I'm the voluptuous one on the right, and MissK is the yung'un on the left.
    Oh, and I'm not wearing a bustle. ;-)

  6. Angry likes when I flash!!! Bwahahaha..I hate wearing clothes heh.


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.