Sunday, February 9, 2014

Oh no, nonononono.....


  1. I'd empty my 1911 and my bowels all while screaming like a little girl.

  2. Hells Bells! Just walk away and get a new car. Possession is 9/10's of the law, and the snake has it! -CM

  3. Its only a Burmese Python. They only want to hug you. Their lovers;)

  4. Not only is the serpentine belt the wrong size, but the firmware is written in Python!

    Also, there's a giant snake on top of your engine.

    (also Stretch and CM, you're being a couple of babies.)

  5. Actually Nic, I am pretty sure that's an African Rock. And they are fucking assholes. One of the few where even I would just let him have the car, lol!


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.