Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I fucked up ~ mea culpa

In my post for Steve and Rose Vanderhoff, I had his Paypal posted incorrectly.

So if you were trying unsuccessfully to Paypal, it's my fault and not yours or Paypal's. I can't apologize enough for this, and hope it hasn't screwed up too many people.

Thanks to Brother Pilot for bringing this to my attention.


  1. Paypal didn't tell me there was problem when I sent money the other way. Do you know if they got it to the right person? Or how to check?

  2. From: Deheffalump
    To: TWIMC

    Broke, not dead. Some sent. Hug the wife, good luck.

  3. I copied it from you and was notified by a reader that it was wrong so I fixed it.
    I had sent him a bit before I posted it and it seemed to work OK, now I will have to double check!

  4. When I tried the first email address paypal sent me an error message, something like 'we can't send your money now. If the problem persists call customer service.' The problem persisted so I called. Took two calls. second tech told me the address I was using didn't have an account linked to it.


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.