Friday, December 30, 2016

Thought it was a cocktail, haven't coughed since 2012


  1. Soothes the throat, and numbs the brain!

    Not a cure, but you don't give a damn how sick you are after a "dose" or two....

  2. My recipe excludes the peppermint and honey.

  3. this is going in my "medicine"file!....

    vaquero viejo

  4. Forget waiting for candy to melt:

    50% Wild Turkey
    50% Honey

    Shaken or stirred. Take as required.

  5. Heat it a good sipping temperature for a nice hot toddy.

    My family Dr. says recipes like this are the best for warming up the chest and suppressing a cough at the same time (honey or heavy dissolved sugars coat the throat and cover up the itchy-scratchies, and the citrus helps kill any bugs.)

    Hope these drinks help you get over your cruddies.

  6. You need to add a few crushed Mamou Beans.

    Otherwise, the recipe is the almost the same one that my great-grandmother used. Hers used a half-pint of bourbon, a few bits of pepper mint, etc., and several crushed Mamou Beans. Of course, Grand-dad had to be the one to take a swig out of the bottle to make room for the active ingredients.


  7. "Of course, Grand-dad had to be the one to take a swig out of the bottle to make room for the active ingredients."

    Rotten job, but somebody's gotta do it...

  8. Seems legit.
    Should work well with a couple of aspirins and a hot shower, followed by a Power Nap.

    Hope you're feeling better, Angel.



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