Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Queen Elizabeth approves of Melania


  1. Covered up but still looking sexy, and yet the Fashion World will still not print anything about how classy she is.

    Well, either of the two great ladies, really.

  2. You haven't lost a step. And Melania really does seem to lend a touch of class to the White House, no matter what her past is. I don't think people understand that first lady is not an elected position.

  3. pigpen51 - First Lady is like an officer's wife/spouse. the FL can make or break a president. Not elected, but back when this nation started it was an assumed responsibility.

    It is rather bad that some First Ladies in the last 30 years have abused the position, much like some military commander's spouses have done in ruining bases.

    We are fortunate to have a great President and a great First Lady.

  4. Missed you. Glad I kept you bookmarked.


Play nice. None of you are too old for a spanking.