Tuesday, April 29, 2014

And to ease the pain of the last post


Jesse in DC said...

Chicks without curves might as well be dudes...

Anonymous said...

Yea they didn't make sticks goddeeses.

maxx said...

Curves give you something to navigate. Thick is still sexy


Mr. Miracle said...

Thick, corn fed, fat bottom, zaftig, whatever you call them, I am all for a woman that looks like that. Love me some flesh to press, not bones to grind.

Wraith said...

Now, THAT'S what a WOMAN looks like!

Anonymous said...

MMMMM nice!

Miss Lisa said...

Hey Cheif...just wondering, you blind or deaf....not notice she was too large till the band played or what? Just curious?

hiswiserangel said...

And THAT'S why I absolutely adore Miss Lisa.

wirecutter said...

That's why I'm afraid of Miss Lisa. No telling what I'm walk into into when I get home from work.