Saturday, July 18, 2015



Angel eyes said...

Please tell me it's not what my twisted mind just thought of.

hiswiserangel said...

Why, whatever where you thinking, Angel eyes?

Volfram said...

Do the impossible, see the invisible...

Make sure you've got plenty of lube.

Also row twice and fight the powah.

Stretch said...

And another keyboard sprayed to hell.

Anonymous said...

Yeah....., I don't think that is exactly how that song goes, Volfram.

Whitehall, NY

Volfram said...

Leigh, the fanfics would have you believe otherwise and you know it.

One of the reasons I don't read fanfic.

Anonymous said...

I watched the story-board/recap episode,Volfram. I don't seem to recall the, "make sure you got plenty of lube" line in the theme music.


Whitehall, NY

* - I'm about half way through PGS, BTW.

Volfram said...

Kill La Kill had the best recap episode ever.