Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Goes double for old(er) men


Cederq said...

I resemble that remark... you turning commie on us Angel?

Anonymous said...

Well, SNORT,

I've met many women who are smarter than me. But I have also met many women who are dumb as a dog turd.

THIS older man has had enough! A pox on you all.


Pheasant Plucker said...

I have a wife and 3 daughters, and they are all more intelligent than I, just ask them. Luv Ya HWA, keep doin whatcha doin.

Dink Newcomb said...

THIS old fart loves intelligent women. Unfortunately, they do not seem to be any more common in the "wild" than intelligent men or objective liberals. I have been meeting an horrific string of Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz clones lately (shudder).