Sunday, October 12, 2014

Make it go viral, folks

"I am graciously giving you permission to use my Ready for Hillary picture if you'd like. It was sent in by a reader who's friend designed it with the request that it go far and wide."

Not often I get that kind of offer from wirecutter.


Sarthurk said...

Awesome. I already told WC what I thought. How the hell can we get these Killary freaks to understand just how toxic this bitch is? They couldn't figger how stupid that nigger is. How can we explain without being blunt, the insanity of voting for that stupid cunt.

Pardon my French.

Angel eyes said...

Stocks, rotten fruit and veggies, then guillotine.

wirecutter said...

I figured I would share seeing as you would've stole it anyways.

hiswiserangel said...

It still freaks me out how you can comment without any notification whatsoever.

Stretch said...

I've forwarded it to all my friends.
Particularly the liberal ones.