Sunday, May 31, 2015

III%er needs help bad!!!

Beanburner, of Burnt Beans and BS, is needing our help and prayers. His son was the victim of a vicious hit-and-run (intentional, NOT accidental) in Clayton NM early Saturday morning. The perp was chased to the NM-TX border where he evaded the cops and could be hiding in my neck of the woods. Possibly Dumas, Dalhart or Amarillo.

Late 90s to mid 2000s white or light colored Chevy pickup with heavy front-end damage and a broken grill. And a sorry son-of-a-bitch driving it. I know most of y'all aren't around here, but prayers work from anywhere.


Rebecca said...

Attempted vehicular homicide is a cowards choice. I hope the driver is found and someone saves the taxpayers the cost of a trial. (provided they have properly identified the driver ). Sorry to hear about the misfortune and will pray for his recovery.

Anonymous said...

Ill look in Lubbock

Bikermailman said...

I'll keep an eye out in Levelland. Might have headed down 385 to stay off the interstate (that really isn't an interstate highway, as it goes from Lubbock to Amarillo).

wirecutter said...

What kind of vehicle were YOU driving, Angel? Hmmm???

hiswiserangel said...

Bite me, wirecutter.

Unknown said...

Thank you guys for your help, and thanks mostly for the prayers!