By the way, I spent last night watching the Southeast Gassers videos of 1960s drag race cars - 4 speeds, wheel stands, heads up racing. Helped to cancel out the feelings of impending doom I've had lately.
That picture made me curious, so I looked it up, and there it's part of a larger list of "creative" spellings. It makes me wonder how much spell check has made us more ignorant, or alternatively, "helpfully" replacing a 'misspelled' word with the one the spell checker thinks is "right".
Given how much time public schools spend teaching sex ed vs math and science.
Do you have proof that's a misspelling or a typo?
That school is run by pussies.
Glad we homeschooled our 5 children...
You.. stubborn, redheaded big-mouth...
By the way, I spent last night watching the
Southeast Gassers videos of 1960s drag race
cars - 4 speeds, wheel stands, heads up racing.
Helped to cancel out the feelings of impending
doom I've had lately.
You get what you pay for? Not in this case.
My favorite part is that they managed to fit all 15 things on that sign.
truth in advertising or sign painter with a perverted sense of humor?
vaquero viejo
That picture made me curious, so I looked it up, and there it's part of a larger list of "creative" spellings. It makes me wonder how much spell check has made us more ignorant, or alternatively, "helpfully" replacing a 'misspelled' word with the one the spell checker thinks is "right".
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