Saturday, May 4, 2013

Cleaning for Inspection

The next few days are going to be devoted to a full housecleaning: scrubbing, decluttering, fumigating (girls' roooms), and generally putting forth a false front for the visiting ad litum and  psychologist who have the Teen Queen's future in their hands. I made my peace with cobwebs and dust bunnies years ago; they don't bother me and mine, I leave them alone. We've coexisted peacefully for many years. I have more important things to do with my time than clean, I have kids who require a great deal of energy and attention.

So this sums up my feelings on the topic of housecleaning perfectly. Thanks to wirecutter for the pic.


Anonymous said...

If I might Ask? What's up with the "Teen Queen" that you need to take away her right to self determination? Not trying for Jerk; I just came in late in the blog. Is she Autistic?

hiswiserangel said...

The Teen Queen is Autistic as is her sister. While TQ is considered moderate functioning, she has no understanding of basic living skills: cooking, cleaning, money, voting, etc. Her communications is mostly repetitive non-conversational, but she does have brief beautiful moments of absolute clarity. We didn't come to this decision lightly, we've been back and forth over the last two years. We knew she would be with us until we died, no parent turns out a child incapable of surviving on her own. We just had to decide how far to take the legal aspect. The Baby Queen is profoundly autistic and completely non-verbal, so we'll be doing this again in another couple of years.

You aren't being a jerk, anon, and curiousity is the Autistic family's friend. it gives us an opportunity to open discussion. Welcome to the blog! :-)

Angel eyes said...

You are a goddess. I take a knee.

Anonymous said...

Every day I give A BIG THANK YOU to the creator for a normal healthy little girl-Bless your courage child---Ray

hiswiserangel said...

Rise, Sir rpm. ;-)

Ray, I look at it this way: every parent will have a unique set of challenges, mine are just related to Autism. Once you get the schedules and diets figured out, the rest is pretty normal. And I thank God every day for the girls. Aside from the Autism, they are generally healthy, happy, delightful kids. :-) Give your little girl super big hugs from Texas.

James Butler said...

Hang in there Angel...
And God loves you... I think he has a special place for all parents with autistic children...
Blessed we are to know you as a friend...