Tuesday, August 26, 2014

You didn't build that

A very successful web attracts a lot of attention. Lazier spiders, and spiders with less web-building talent, took notice and promptly started protesting. The Spider Union demanded this guy join and share his wealth with his less fortunate spider brothers and sisters. After a couple of webs' worth of this nonsense, in which he was allowed to enjoy only a small fraction of the fruits of his labor, Mr. Spider closed down his web and relocated to a doorway that was more friendly to hardworking entrepreneurial arachnids.


Cederq said...

Actually, it is Mrs. Spider, very few male spiders spin webs.

Anonymous said...

Spider privilege.


Irish said...

OT you made the big time :)

I link of your post at IOTW


Irish said...

That should be "A" link.. I wasnt involved :)