Sunday, May 15, 2016

Survival tips for the nature novice


Anonymous said...

more cowboy logic....just like watering your horse downstream from you.....

vaquero viejo

Secesh said...


Anonymous said...

Fact is that ALL ground water, in north America is polluted. Some of it is VERY deadly to drink. I live in Kentucky. Because of strip mining , oil drilling , toxic/radioactive dumping, and utter lack of "waste water" treatment ground water should NEVER be used for anything. Some places are outright deadly to drink as the water is both toxic and radioactive, and not always where you'd think. Much of the "national park" and "national forest" land in eastern Ky. is ether old strip mine land or down stream from one. Because the oil shale "overburden" from stripmining is both toxic and radioactive, that pretty stream or pond will kill you.----Ray