Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A VERY simple concept


Anonymous said...

As a life long Heinleine fan I love that, Even If he was one on the worst flaming leftist that ever lived. (Heinlein was so far to the left he made communist seem conservative)---Ray

Robert Fowler said...

This message needs to be beat into the heads of the 535 idiots that populate congress. While we are at it, ever state and local politician too.

hiswiserangel said...

I think it needs to be taught to every child. Politicians may be a lost cause, but we must teach our children that Freedom and Liberty depend on personal responsibility.

Volfram said...

Excellent quote.

I think Anonymous may be confused. I have trouble seeing how the author of The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Have Spacesuit Will Travel, Tunnel in the Sky, Red Planet, or Starship Troopers could be a liberal.

Libertarian, yes. Liberal, no.

Phil said...

Freedom is a state of mind above all else.

Anonymous said...

Volfram LOOK IT UP Heinlein made no bones about it, He was an Uber-leftist. In fact he felt FDR was to conservative to be President. He and his wife were RADICAL left wing activist for 50 years. THE ONLY reason he never openly joined the communist party was he would not have been allowed to publish in the USA (J. Edger Hover's "red ban")--Ray

lineman said...

Death is a free place also where we would be if we exercised our God given rights here in the USSA...I wish it wasn't that way but until we band together and stop the petty infighting and all get in the same book at least not necessarily on the same page the we will surely hang separately...

Anonymous said...

Heinlein was a leftist in his early years. Then he turned into a libertarian.

Just because he did not want do-gooders of either left or right infringing on what people did to themselves or in the privacy their own homes does not mean he was a leftist. Starship Troopers was a huge commentary that trashed progressivism.

Volfram said...

I actually did look up the Heinlein Wikipedia entry. It says he was anti-communism(which is pretty much as Left as it gets) and Libertarian(which is pretty much as un-Left as it gets)

so I think Ray is either confused or trying to libel the name of a good man.