Tuesday, March 18, 2014

OMG! Like, she totally gets it!

I'm beginning to have a little hope for our future when I see pieces from Josie the Outlaw, and now this young woman. A well-thought out rant listing many of Obama's impeachable crimes; a basic understanding that it's not Dems or Reps, it's Dems AND Reps; and a focus on what's really at stake in this battle.
Good on her!

Now that being said, I just wonder about the choice of a striped tube-top, and how many takes were required to be able to strip off the t-shirt without an inadvertent wardrobe malfunction. And check the jump cut with black screen at 2:44. Before, the tube top is entering belt territory, 2:46 the tube top is firmly back in place. Ladies, if you want to be taken seriously, save the hootchie clothes for the club.


Anonymous said...

Totally?...If I knew that she has evolved enough to have a thorough comprehension of our Constitution, I would agree. At the very least she is headed in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

I like how she dresses.

Volfram said...

No she doesn't.

Listen to her rant at the end. She always hated all things Republican, Conservative, and Tea Party, she's just added Democrat to the list. She's still just as Liberal as ever.

hiswiserangel said...

Volfram, I wasn't too fond of the Bush administration, especially at the end. I agree with some things on the Tea Party docket, until they start trying to legislate morality and limit individual liberty. She's on the right track.

Anonymous said...

I like it. She is on the right track.

Read Rothbard.
Read Hoppe.
Read Rockwell.

Anonymous said...

Josie Outlaw comes off as more genuine than this girl, and manages to be sexy without forcing it as this girl does. Still, I am glad she has seen that socialism is bad for health.

I second what Angel said. Bush's bailouts were simply another form of Socialism (Fascism). Obama, despite his populist propaganda, is as big on corporate welfare as he is on social welfare. Both are a way redistributing the wealth.

As for legislating morality, study the laws of communist countries and you will see the progressives are often just as guilty as the "right" at invading the bedroom, legislating marriage, and dictating what women can and can't do with their bodies. As Robert Heinlein said, there are only those who want to be controlled and want to be free.

ravinglawyer13 said...

Hootchie's have their place and that place is...ok, I digress. Meh, maybe she's on the right track, I don't know. I seriously doubt the base knowledge is there, and she's going to be playing catch-up to try and get a handle on stuff she should have learned in school. Hope she buys a clue though, it's one more not drinking the Kool-Aid. I am fine with the hootchie clothes because I haven't yet made the mistake of taking a woman seriously. Yep, I went there. Whatcha gonna do 'bout it?

Anonymous said...

She's still dumb as a bag of hair.

Preaching peace, love, and understanding, despite thousands of years of empirical data showing we humans are dangerous selfish beings. Groups of humans are massively more dangerous and selfish.

Some day maybe she will understand we used to be a constitutional republic with some individual freedom, but that has gone the way of the horse and buggy.

Thank you, liberal progressives for screwing up the last best hope for humans on the planet.