Thursday, November 6, 2014

If they could just bottle the smell


Jselvy said...

I don't know. The explosion caused BT ereaders has conclusively broken the hammerlock the SJWs had on publishing. That can't be a bad thing.

Jesse in DC said...

Perhaps not, but I too love the smell and feel of old real books. I bought "Genuine" service manual CDs for some of the cars I work on. Computer croaked, and guess what? None of them work w/ windows 8... I never have that problem with paper ones...

BOMS said...

You are so right. The 'stacks' in my college library were awesome - surrounded by that old book smell.

Cederq said...

Oh I won't have any of those crap digital readers, I love books too much, give me something I can wrap my hands on, caress the spine and flip the pages, (I am talking about a book) then some frigging hard plastic crap I have to plug in so I can read it...

Volfram said...

I spy, with my little eye, a Sony Reader Pocket Edition in that pile.

Good reader. I have one.

eBooks win for portability and library size. If you want to carry an entire library around in your pocket just in case you have 15 minutes of spare time waiting in line somewhere, the reader wins.

Dead tree books win when it comes to fast searching and indexing. I would prefer to have a manual or textbook in paper format than electronic any day of the week.

Bikermailman said...

Something to consider: Digital matter that may (will) someday be considered subversive, like Adam Smith, Federalist Papers, The Bible, Soljehootzin, etc, can be smuggled via microSD cards or thumb drives. Just sayin'.

AbbyS said...

I LOVE my Kindle!!! I have over 300 books on it & a dozen audio books (I got the one with speakers!) I just moved into a 14x68 ft. mobile home. There just is NOT enough space for all the books! I will keep some of my favorite books in the dead tree variation, but I'm digital the rest of the way!